Beth Taylor

Director & Physiotherapist
Accredited Hand Therapist - Australian Hand Therapy Association
Certified Hand Therapist (CHT), Life member AHTA

Beth is passionate about all things related to hands. She is dedicated to excellence across her practice, including how she trains and assists our therapists and staff. Beth has an incredible wealth of experience gained locally, nationally and even internationally which underpins her work. Beth loves teaching and supporting the growth of her staff.


Morgan Pitches

Clinical Lead & Occupational Therapist
Accredited Hand Therapist - Australian Hand Therapy Association

Morgan is dedicated to making a difference. She is diligent in her pursuit of knowledge to help her clients make the best recovery they possibly can. She also understands the need for the whole person to be taken into consideration in order to provide treatment specific just for them. Morgan is an incredibly hard worker and is always ready to lend a hand. She makes our clinic a great place to be.


Geena Johnston

Occupational Therapist - Hand Therapy

Geena has joined our team from Queensland. She developed an interest in hand therapy as an undergrad however only now has had the opportunity to join a hand therapy team. Geena brings enthusiasm and empathy to all she does. She is very dedicated to learning as much as she can for the benefit of her patients and we are loving having her in our team.


Phil Taylor

Director & Business Manager

Phil is not new to Territory Hands. He has been Beth’s right hand man from the beginning, but now has taken up the role of business manager. He is the man behind the scenes, ensuring our clinic runs well, has what we need to provide a great service and looks out for all our team. Phil has vast life experience which makes him a great problem solver. He is kind, funny and generous but also brings a methodical approach to all he does. Territory Hands would not run well without him!


Jennifer O’Neill

Senior Occupational Therapist - Hand Therapy
Associate Hand Therapist - Australian Hand Therapy Association

Jen brings her many years of experience to every appointment. She has a vast depth of knowledge and is passionate about getting patients back to using their hands for the things that are important to them. She loves trauma, and treating more complex injuries. Her communication is very thorough yet relaxed which means you don’t feel overwhelmed during your appointment. Jen has two lovely children and so she works part time.


Joel Valentine

Physiotherapist - Hand Therapy

Member Australian Physiotherapy Association

Joel has recently joined our clinical team from Adelaide. He brings a calm, open, quiet presence to the practice and is very easy to talk to. His natural curiosity fuels his learning in hand therapy as well as in life. He is an avid tennis player and loves being active. There is so much in store for him in the Top End.


Hannah Mitchell

Lead Administration Officer

Hannah is our newest member of the admin team. She is bright and warm, with a smile to welcome anyone into the clinic. Hannah has some experience in the Territory and she has been drawn back to Darwin having had some time in Japan on the ski fields and on a farm in Victoria. We are so happy to have her as part of our team.


Kate Anderson

Administration Officer

Kate is a calm and welcoming presence in our admin team. She brings experience and attention to detail to all she does and knows what it’s like from a client’s perspective having brought her son to hand therapy at Territory Hands before. This give her insight into people’s experience from the other side of the counter.